At Attalla Water Works Board, our goal is to provide safe, clean, sparkling water to all of our residents!
Attalla’s history actually predates its incorporation as a town. La Fayette visited what is now Attalla in 1825, as a guest of the U. S. government. A French writer, Courter B. Chateaubriand, was also a visitor and wrote a novel on “Atala, an Indian maiden”.
The town occupies the site of an Indian village which was of considerable importance during the Creek War. It was the home of Captain John Brown, a famous Indian, whose daughters, Catharine and Anna, established the Creek Path Mission school in 1820, six miles south of Guntersville. It was in Attalla that David Brown, an Indian, assisted by the Rev. D. S. Butterick, prepared the “Cherokee Spelling Book”.
Early settlers to this area were W. C. Hammond, Henry W. Pickens, Dr. Thomas Edwards, Rev. James Scales, John Latham, E. I. Holcomb, John S. Moragne, and Allen Gray, who became the first postmaster. Indian relics of the vicinity are “Tsu-sanya-sah — Ruins-of-a-Great-City”, and the site of the home of Captain John Brown. Attalla was incorporated as a city government on February 5, 1872, after being founded in 1870 on land donated for the site of the town by W. C. Hammond, a plantation owner. An early business enterprise was a bowling alley in a pine thicket.