Rates & Fees

Listed below, you will find our current rates and fees for Atalla Water Works. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you. 

Effected February 1, 2024

Attalla Water Works Service Fees


Lowering or raising meter for landscaping - $100.00 if just meter box, $300.00 if requires meter riser

Customer request service call after hours - $50.00

Re-read meter if previous reading is correct - $15.00

Replace broken ¾” curb stop - $100.00

Replace broken 1” curb stop - $200.00

Reset meter after removal for non-pay/tampering - $100.00 + any other charges incurred

Digging up service for non-pay/tampering - $500.00

Replace broken residential meter box - $100.00

Replace broken jumbo meter box - $200.00

Replace broken super jumbo box - $400.00

Tampering escalation:

  • 1st offense - $100.00 + any other charges incurred
  •  2nd offense - $200.00 + any other charges incurred
  •  3rd offense - $400.00 + any other charges incurred

These fees are in addition to your water rates. 

Click the Document Below for our 2022-2023 Water Rates